Thursday, November 1, 2007

here are my word art sketch things. this was one of my favorite projects to do...

for my disruption one, i just repeated the word "disruption" over and over continuing it onto the next line right where it left off on the one before.. making sure not to disrupt it due to the line change. then after i filled the entire canvas, i erased one of the words and rewrote it in different colors and tilted all of the letters disrupting the entire piece. i'm very pleased with the overall look of this one.

the next word i chose was "migration" i made the word into a brush, then turned the 'scatter', 'shape dynamics,' and 'color dynamic' options on and made the words "migrate" into the lower right hand corner of the canvas. i choose the green color scheme because when i first think of migration i think of nature and animals migrating and the color i associate with nature is green. again, i really like the overall look of this project.

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